Doing Business in North West River
Business and Service Directory

Callaman's Inc.
Construction & Heavy Equipment
Ken Powell - Owner/Operator
Tel: (709) 497-8207

CRB Rebuild and Recreation
Gas, Diesel, Oil, Tires & Snacks - ATM
Mechanic on Duty; Small Engine Repairs; Motor Vehicle Inspections
2 Sunday Hill Road
Open 7 days a week:
7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.
Gas Bar (709) 497-8837 Garage (709) 497-8272 Fax (709) 497-8800

Jeannie's Barbershop
29 Sunday Hill Road
Jeannie Tuttauk - Owner/Operator
Open 5 days a week:
Monday - Friday 1:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Tel: (709) 497-8802
Interac, VISA & Mastercard accepted

Labrador Heritage Craft Shop
9 River Road
Open Saturday & Sunday 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm September - June or call for appointment.
Tel: (709) 497-8282 or (709) 497-8251

<Northwest Roofing
Paul Cooper
Tel: (709) 896-7770

Nushuk Plumbing & Heating Ltd.
Dan Cole
Tel: (709) 899-3917 Fax (709) 497-8271

Patrick Hibb's Sawmill
Patrick Hibbs - Owner/Operator
Call (709) 497-8252


Nunatsiavut Government
The local Health and Social Development office 497-8807 and
the local Conservation Officer 497-8725 are in the Municipal Building
at 1 Mission Road.

Sivunivut - Inuit Community Corporation of North West River
Town of North West River Municipal Building
Maxene Winters - Chair (709) 497-8444

© 2015 Town of North West River

This page: 16,353 visits since September 04, 2007